Investigation of Digital Literacy Levels of Pre-School Teacher Candidates
Digital literacy, digital competence, technology, teacher candidates, pre-schoolAbstract
Today, digitality has become an significant concept that requires to be underlined. Day by day, life is turning digital and the frequency of using technological devices is increasing. At this point, it is significant to state the digital competence perceptions of teacher candidates. The purpose of this research is to investigate the digital literacy levels of pre-school teacher candidates. Based on this purpose, it was investigated whether there is a significant difference in the digital literacy levels of pre-school teacher candidates in terms of gender, age, undergraduate level and whether they have a personal computer or not. The study group of the research consists of 137 undergraduate students attending Eskişehir Anadolu University preschool teaching department in the 2021-2022 academic year. In this research, which was conducted to investigate the digital literacy levels of pre-school teacher candidates, the relational survey model, one of the quantitative research methods, was used. The data were gathered with tools of "Digital Literacy Scale" and "Demographic Information Form" improved by researchers. JASP 0.15 and RStudio programs were used for data analysis. Accordingly, the Mann-Whitney Test was used to examine the relationships between two independent variables, and the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to examine the relationships between more than two independent variables. According to the conclusion of the research, it was concluded that the digital literacy levels of pre-school teacher candidates are high. According to the gender of the participants, there was a important difference between men and women in the sub-factors of the digital literacy scale, general knowledge and functional skills. It can be said that this divergence is in favor of men. According to the age group and undergraduate level of the participants, a important divergence was obtained in the sub-factors of the digital literacy scale, general knowledge and functional skills.
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