Exploring the impact of self-regulated learning on mobile learning attitudes





Distance education and online learning, Mobile learning, Self-regulated learning, Adult learning


This study explores the relationship between self-regulated learning skills and attitudes toward mobile learning among students at Anadolu University Open Education Faculty. Employing a relational survey model within a quantitative research framework, the research encompasses 1209 students enrolled during the Fall Semester of 2021-2022, including 644 female and 565 male students. The investigation reveals a moderately positive correlation between students' self-regulated learning abilities and their attitudes towards mobile learning. These findings underscore the significance of self-regulated learning as a foundational element in the effective adoption of mobile learning technologies. Given the dynamic, personal, and contextually diverse nature of mobile learning, the study highlights the crucial role of self-regulated learning in navigating and maximizing the benefits of mobile educational experiences. The implications suggest that enhancing self-regulated learning skills among students can lead to more favorable perceptions and engagements with mobile learning platforms, thereby suggesting a strategic focus for educators and policymakers aiming to integrate mobile learning technologies to improve educational outcomes and experiences in open education settings.


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How to Cite

ÖZDAMAR, N., & TURAN, B. (2024). Exploring the impact of self-regulated learning on mobile learning attitudes. Journal of Digital Technologies and Education, 3(2), 167–181. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14706716
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