Benefits of Using Animation and 3D Motion Capture (MOCAP) Techniques in Electronic Educational Content


  • Köksal BÜYÜK Anadolu Üniversitesi



Digital Training, Animation, MOCAP, Interactive Content, e-content, Motion Capture


The use of interactive learning materials is an important need in the digital education world. In addition, it has become a necessity to develop new learning technologies as products and processes that will provide flexibility with their different features and increase interaction. There is a wide range of use of learning materials to be produced using animation. The visual library and archive to be created with these materials will allow for the design, editing and development of new contents without the need for studio shooting and model use. A wide variety of learning materials are prepared for the use of learners by educational institutions that serve learners with different needs, expectations, interests, learning experiences and styles. However, it is possible to state that these prepared materials are generally not flexible enough to meet different needs. Even in the slightest need for an update in the content, the content may need to be reproduced. This situation causes loss of time, cost and labor for institutions. In this context, in parallel with the opportunities offered by current technological developments; flexible learning materials independent of person, time and place are needed. From this point of view, there will be many benefits of using animation in educational materials. Qualitative research method was used in this study. As a result, it has been determined that the animations used in educational materials provide advantages such as making e-contents entertaining, making them interesting, facilitating learning, emphasizing important points, helping to show the practice of theoretical knowledge.


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How to Cite

BÜYÜK, K. (2022). Benefits of Using Animation and 3D Motion Capture (MOCAP) Techniques in Electronic Educational Content. Journal of Digital Technologies and Education, 1(2), 110–129.
  • Abstract 317
  • PDF (Türkçe) 192

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