Artificial Intelligence and Pedagogy: Opportunities and Challenges in Education
Artificial intelligence, pedagogy, technology integration in education, use of artificial intelligence in educationAbstract
One of the most recent technologies being integrated into education is artificial intelligence (AI). Rather than viewing AI's role in education merely as a technological innovation, it is crucial to consider it as a pedagogical tool with significant contributions. This study aims to review qualitative research examining the role and impact of AI in education from a pedagogical perspective, exploring how AI supports pedagogy and identifying potential negative implications, thus contributing to the literature on the subject. The study employs document analysis, a qualitative research method, utilizing relevant studies from the Web of Science database. The findings indicate that AI applications have the potential to transform educational processes and notably support various teaching methods, techniques, and strategies. AI's contributions are particularly significant in personalized and differentiated learning, language acquisition, critical thinking skills, active learning, adaptive learning, collaborative learning environments, creative learning, problem-based learning, project-based learning, self-directed learning, self-paced learning, self-regulated learning, and simulation-based learning. However, the study also identifies several pedagogical risks and challenges associated with the use of AI in education. These include deficiencies in digital literacy, the risk of stunted social skills development, the replacement of deep learning with superficial learning, cognitive skill declines due to over-reliance on AI, and the negative effects of constant surveillance. Based on the research findings, the study offers several recommendations to ensure the conscious and effective use of AI in education and to guide future research in this domain.
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