Comparison of Artificial Intelligence-Generated Questions and Item Parameters Under MST Test Conditions




Assessment, Artificial Intelligence, Multistage Testing, ChatGPT


One of the major implications of the rapid proliferation of smart technologies in the world of education is in the area of measurement and evaluation. By its very nature, it is a basic requirement that measurement should be carried out in a safe environment in order to provide results that are close to the truth. Today, as new technologies have become part of life and have been integrated into many stages of the education system, measurement and evaluation processes should be carried out at the same level of development. In a system where smart technologies are integrated into education and training processes at a level that can be described as a paradigm shift, the traditional methods of measurement are an obstacle to achieving sound results. The fact that the measurement and evaluation method widely used in the current system is the traditional method is an indication of the need for studies in this area. In this context, it is an important step to carry out the measurement and evaluation process with methods and technologies that allow precise measurements. The aim of the research is to demonstrate the use of smart technologies in measurement and evaluation processes in a concrete way. For this reason, the research covers the process of bringing together modern test presentation methods supported by new smart technologies and enabling precise measurements. In this process, Multistage Testing and ChatGPT were first discussed theoretically. In the next stage, questions were created with ChatGPT within the constraints of the research and the b-parameters of the created questions were estimated by ChatGPT. In another stage of the research, the b-parameters of the same questions were calculated by test assembly using the multistage method. The results of the b-parameters obtained by ChatGPT and MST were compared. According to the results, it was determined that the margin of error is not very high and it is appropriate to use ChatGPT supervised in the MST method.


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How to Cite

Bulut, G., & Akyıldız, M. (2024). Comparison of Artificial Intelligence-Generated Questions and Item Parameters Under MST Test Conditions. Journal of Digital Technologies and Education, 3(1), 1–12.
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  • PDF (Türkçe) 60

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