Changing Educational Paradigms in Post-Industrial Era


  • Zekiye DOĞAN Anadolu Üniversitesi



Information Era, Information Society, Industrial Society, Educational Paradigm, Digitalisation, Distance Education


In the 1950s, with the world entering the Information Age, education; has undergone a paradigm shift in the post-industrial age. The transition from industrialization to an information society brought about a significant change in our perspective on education. The concept and importance of continuing education, the role of technology in shaping the future of education; This necessitates a comprehensive analysis of the changing educational paradigm in the post-industrial era. The information age has brought with it a new educational approach that is easily accessible and accessible to everyone. This has led to the need for a new educational approach suited to the current needs of society. The post-industrial era foresees the transition to a knowledge-based system rather than traditional industrial education methods. This situation leads to fundamental differences between the education models offered by the industrial society and the information society. The collective and teacher-centered education prevailing in the Industrial Society has shifted towards a more learner-centered approach in the information age where students are encouraged to think critically and creatively. The rise of digitalization has also significantly affected education in the information age, the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) into the classroom has led to the development of new teaching methods and made education more accessible to students. This situation also makes distance education possible in every field. This article analyzes the transition from the industrial society to the information society in the education paradigm, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and the role of technology in shaping the future of education. In this study, qualitative research method was adopted and content analysis technique was applied. The studies encountered in the literature review based on the key concepts that constitute the subject of the article were subjected to critical resource review. Theoretical discussions were made based on the findings obtained from the literature review through systematic readings.


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How to Cite

DOĞAN, Z. (2023). Changing Educational Paradigms in Post-Industrial Era. Journal of Digital Technologies and Education, 2(2), 103–112.
  • Abstract 159
  • PDF (Türkçe) 52

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