Gamified Mobile Application Design for Teaching Elementary Reading


  • Sena ÖZKARA Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi
  • Emre BAYSAN Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi



Elementary reading, gamification, application


The aim of this study is to develop an educational mobile application that has pedagogical value in order to strengthen the word-building skills of children who have just started primary school. The widespread use of technology in educational environments and the interest of students increase the importance of the educational mobile applications. In this context, this application, which is structured in accordance with the new letter teaching groups specified in the 2024 primary school Turkish course curriculum, “anetil, okurım, üçöydz, çbgcş” and “phvğfj”, offers a learning experience aimed at developing students’ early reading skills. The application aims to develop the word writing skills of primary school 1st grade students and offers a user-friendly interface designed with colorful and impressive graphics. The design aims to provide a learning experience suitable for students at different levels, allowing students to learn new words and develop their cognitive processes in an interactive way with technology. This application, which allows students to learn letters and words in an interactive way, is structured in accordance with the principles of gamification. The pedagogical value of the game is based on cognitive theories and gamification principles, which are expected to support students’ technology-integrated learning experiences.


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How to Cite

ÖZKARA, S., & BAYSAN, E. (2024). Gamified Mobile Application Design for Teaching Elementary Reading. Journal of Digital Technologies and Education, 3(2), 140–153.
  • Abstract 40
  • pdf (Türkçe) 29

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