The Sustainability of Artificial Intelligence: Responsible Artificial Intelligence




artificial intelligence, sustainability, responsible artificial intelligence, explainability


The importance of artificial intelligence is increasing day by day as being the first rank disruptive technologies of digital transformation. While people are trying to benefit from using artificial intelligence, they are also afraid of losing their jobs. While it is being watched with concern that ethical experiments are being conducted on who autonomous vehicles should hit in the event of an accident, it is also promising that great progress has been made in disease detection through artificial intelligence. While it is being discussed that artificial intelligence can hallucinate, studies are emerging about it’s biases which make discriminatory decisions on issues such as gender, race, etc. All these developments, when considered in the context of the social dimension of sustainability, which has been on our agenda as another important issue in recent years, show that studies should be carried out on the human and society side. Beyond contributing to economic, environmental and social sustainability with artificial intelligence, the concept of responsible artificial intelligence should be discussed in order for artificial intelligence itself to be sustainable. At this point, issues such as ethics and explainability come to the fore, it should not be overlooked that the concept of responsibility is a concept that includes these concepts but goes beyond them. This study was designed to provide general information on responsible artificial intelligence, which has been included in international literature for the last few years, but has been identified as a gap in Turkish literature. In this context, as a result of the literature review conducted on responsible artificial intelligence, which is a relatively limited and new field of study, it is revealed that studies have been carried out in the last few years and it needs to be supported by interdisciplinary and cross-cultural studies.


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How to Cite

Deniz, N. (2024). The Sustainability of Artificial Intelligence: Responsible Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Digital Technologies and Education, 3(1), 69–79.
  • Abstract 212
  • PDF (Türkçe) 111

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