Trends of Academic Studies on the Internet of Things: A Systematic Review




internet of things, international academic studies, systematic scanning


Within the scope of this study, it is aimed to examine scientific studies that deal with the subject of the Internet of Things at the international level. Scopus database was used in this study, in which the systematic technique was used for this purpose. When using the Scopus database, the word internet of things in the title of the studies was determined as a criterion. Another criterion is the determination of the scientific studies reached as papers and articles. Within the scope of the study, the range of 2011-2021 (last ten years) was chosen as the publication year. With this query, 20,032 papers and articles were reached. The data obtained within the scope of the research were interpreted based on percentage and frequency, and the data were displayed with tables and graphics. Scopus analyzes, which present the outputs of the filtered results, were used in the data analysis.


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How to Cite

Kılınç, H. (2022). Trends of Academic Studies on the Internet of Things: A Systematic Review. Journal of Digital Technologies and Education, 1(1), 57–67.
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