Content Standards in E-Learning


  • Dilanur DEMİR Boğaziçi Üniversitesi



E-learning, digital education, education standards, instructional management systems, SCORM


E-learning systems are technological platforms that enable students and teachers to engage in learning processes in online environments. These systems need interoperability standards to deliver, manage and evaluate learning content from different sources. These standards make it possible to easily transfer, share and reuse learning content between different e-learning systems. They also help to improve the quality, accessibility and compatibility of learning content. Organizations that have developed these standards include 1EDTECH, IEEE, AICC, ADL. The e-learning content standards that have been widely used from past to present are AICC, SCORM and Tin CAN. Integration of these standards is necessary to create and develop content in e-learning systems.  In this article, the importance and development of standards and specifications developed for e-learning systems are examined and their integration into various systems is examined and it is aimed to present them to the benefit of those interested in the field.


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How to Cite

DEMİR, D. (2023). Content Standards in E-Learning. Journal of Digital Technologies and Education, 2(2), 129–146.
  • Abstract 156
  • PDF (Türkçe) 53